Friday, December 30, 2011

That Time of Year Again...

Ever had one of those days where you're thinking of all this awesome stuff that you could do, like updating your blog that has been long since ignored or taking a TON of photos for your Ravelry page that has been abandon, but finding little energy or time to do so?  Well this was me today.

Once again it is that time of year for overworked college students to return home to celebrate the holidays and finally relax.  All of this is find and good, but I find myself in a Catch-22 situation: I keep thinking of things I could and want to do (or rather should be doing) and end up doing absolutely nothing with my day.  I wake up and all of a sudden it's five o'clock and the day has escaped me.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve and as the countdown to 2012 begins, I can't help but reflect on the past year, as I'm sure many of you do.  I accomplished a lot in 2011 and am officially half way done with my college career (Eeek!).  The year has had its ups and downs, but I've lived to tell the tale and cannot wait to see what the year to come has in store.  I've thought about a couple resolutions I'd like to make and stick with, but to be completely honest, by the time the month is over I've completely blanked on whatever resolution was made and just simply make daily or monthly goals depending on my situation at the time.  This year, I think I want to write them down in my planner, as a constant reminder.  I never just make one, perhaps because I always expect or want too much, but 2012's overarching resolution will be...drum roll simply be HAPPY.  Yep, that's it happy.  It's not that I've been unhappy per se, it's just that I want to be happy in as many moments in life that I can possibly be.  Taking advantage of every opportunity and even if you will, be a little selfish--not in the bad way--but respecting who I am as a person, first and foremost.

One of my favorite hobbies (which makes me very happy!) is falling in love with an amazing new book!  I just finished "The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton, which was absolutely fabulous!  It was so enthralling that I honestly didn't want to put it down and just devoured it!  Today, I bought her lastest book "The Distant Hours" and I will soon be onto her debut novel "The House at Riverton".  Morton's writing is captivating; her characters come alive and jump right off the page.  The perfect blend of mystery, suspense, and relationships.  Grab some coffee and cozy up!

Recently, I've been knitting what will eventually grow up to become a snuggly blanket!  I'm almost finished with the first square, as the blanket is worked in a series of growing squares.  The blanket has been dubbed the Merlot Throw, since the colors are all reminiscent of sultry red wine: dusty pinks, deep reds, and creamy chocolate browns.  This project will probably not be finished any time soon, but I don't mind, since it's all in garter stitch!  The best stitch ever!  It makes the throw so squishy and I can't wait to be snuggled in it once it's done!  One of the best things about garter stitch is that it's so simple and easy to knit and I can watch TV too!  Big Bang Theory has become my sister Fallon and mine's new favorite show :)

To wrap up, I'll leave you with a few things I'll be looking forward to in 2012 (so long as the world doesn't end :P).  Next weekend I'll be in Montreal with a few friends as a last hurrah before my friend Gal spends his semester in Australia (jealous!).  The fast approaching spring semester marks the beginning of my specialization in Creative Writing--I'm excited, yet also a little scared to put my writing out their to my peers.  In May, I will turn the fabulous age of 21 and I cannot wait!!!  As an early birthday present, Fallon bought us tickets to see Foster the People in June!  Hopefully come Fall, I will finally be able to go to a Patriots game, now that I have my Brady Throwback jersey and Victoria's Secret NFL gear (Thanks Dad!).  There has also been talk of a possible Christmas trip to Walt Disney World--my favorite and happiest place in the world--with Fallon and my Dad's family.  Keeping fingers crossed! :)

Until next time, Happy New Year!!!  See you next time in sure to be fabulous 2012!!!