Monday, March 5, 2012

Glad You Came!

Time.  There is never enough of it!

It's been so long I know!  Lots and lots and lots of things have changed, but without any further ado, I have much to report!

For starters, Happy March of the beauteous  2012!  I'm attempting to make March the best and most productive month to date!  And with Spring Break just around the corner, hopefully this dream will reach reality (but, as we all know, I am a GIANT procrastinator unfortunately).

Since I have been taking my Creative Writing classes this semester, my writing has flourished!  A poem has been written almost every day and I've come to the realization that I want to specialize in poetry!  Who knew that a "hobby" I've had since about twelve would turn into my creative lifestyle and career?  Funny how life works out that way.

I've also been toying with the idea of Grad School, specifically the MFA Program here at UMass Amherst to further my craft.  But, I'm still not 100%.  I don't know if I can handle anymore schooling--I'm itching to move on and try something new!--but at the same time, the frightening sense of the impending unknown of "real life" is starting to hit, and I'm not sure which road to take, to channel my inner Robert Frost.

I have become more serious about my writing and am even thinking of posting some of my works here.  Thoughts?

It's also been suggested to me to keep a journal of sorts--which I've dubbed "The Letters"--to record my thoughts, events of the days, ideas, frustrations, pretty much anything.  I hope (I REALLY REALLY hope) to keep it up and to post more here!!  Turning it into an actual fully working blog, so wish me luck! (I will need it!)

I've really grown as a person within these past few months, and as cliché as it sounds, I've found  self-discovery through my writing and new experiences in my classes.  And since I've been rambling for quite sometime now I'll leave you with a few of my recent photo adventures--Enjoy! :)

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